These are the seven Hermetic principles; the path to self-mastery, and the key to a fulfilling life.

To live a more meaningful and fulfilling life, you must recognize the power of your mind and use it to create the experience you want. For thoughts become things, and there is nothing under heaven that is not subject to the shaping spirit of your imagination.
Your external experience is solely a reflection of your inner world (as within so without) and one has to change for their life to change. Remember that every negative experience starts from within before it can manifest externally, and the only way to improve this is to alter your inner world.

Everything that is, is in constant motion, and the only difference between different manifestations (matter, energy, spirit) is their level of vibration.

You too are in constant movement, and the state of your thoughts and emotions determine your rate of vibration; whether you are pulsing at a higher level or lower level. Lower vibrations manifest in negative experiences while higher vibrations manifest in pleasant experiences, and the ability to achieve desires faster. This incredible phenomenon is evident in masters who can change forms of energy by altering their vibration — otherwise known as miracles.

You too can raise your vibration for a better life by acts of kindness, watching your thoughts, or finding something beautiful and truly appreciating it.

First, take responsibility for everything in your life, for it is only from the acceptance that you can be able to change part of it. Next, transform your inner world despite the condition of your external world. Maintain a state of positivity and cheerfulness, and eventually, the pieces will start falling into place. Your outside world will in due course change to reflect your inner world.

Polarity personifies that everything is dual; everything has opposites, only that the opposites aren’t opposing but complementary. The only difference is the degree. They are two sides of the same coin.

Take hot and cold, they might seem different, but they are a measure of the same thing, temperature, tall and short are a measure of height, and the only difference is the degree. This principle is vital since you can change an emotion by varying the degree. Change hate into love, anger into peace.

“Everything flows, out an in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is a measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” – The Kybalion

The principle of rhythm is evident in all areas; from the rise and fall of nations and dynasties to the changing seasons (winter to summer and back again). Even in our personal lives where we see highs and lows. Take how a period of enthusiasm results in a period of depression, or how fear ensues a period of courage.

Nothing escapes the pendulum motion. Understanding the Principle of Rhythm helps one attain mastery over their emotions and moods despite their external experiences. It empowers you to maintain a state of blissful serenity whether in profit or loss; in sickness or health.

“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to the law; chance is but a name for law not recognized, but nothing escapes the law.” The Kybalion

Nothing in this world is an accident or happens by chance. Chance is the name of a law not yet known. However, most of us are the effects and not the causes. We are swayed by other people, our emotions, and our environment. A great example is how we are dejected or infuriated after watching some negative piece of news. We are at the mercy of our external world, or better yet we are like pawns on the checkerboard of life.

The principle of cause and effect, calls you to be your own master. To be the cause and not the effect. To be the mover and not the moved.

Gender is universal. Everything has its masculine and feminine principles. At the physical level, this manifests as sex, but gender is also present at the mental level, and it is in everyone.

The masculine principle is the causation. It gives out and expands; it is the sun that scorches everything but still gives life, it is the desire to achieve something. The feminine, on the other hand, is the receiving; absorbing. It is the creativity, feeling, and imagination.

The two must work together. There must be a balance otherwise the masculine will result in a chaotic world without the feminine while the latter is likely to stagnate without the masculine. However, there is success when the two act together thanks to thoughtful action. 🌞☯️💛

Your Spirit is that part of you which is the direct creation of God. Your Spirit is the highest aspect of who and what you are. Your Spirit is devoid of all elements of human personality and character. It is a direct fragment of the Divine Life of God.
The Spirit is one with all and understands, fully, that oneness, as well as its oneness with God, its Creator. The Spirit is perfect and universal in all aspects, save one: the Spirit is not God.
The Spirit is the highest expression of universal individuality — an oxymoron which contains, within, many keys to truth — and has its roots with God and with all the spirits, within the highest realm of Creation; a realm which we cannot even begin to comprehend, here on the Earth plane.
The Spirit knows everything, because there is no new thing under the sun. Furthermore, there are no evil spirits. The most heinous people to have walked the earth were created in the very same image as were the saints. On that level of life there are neither saints nor sinners; there is only Spirit.
Your Spirit is perfect in all ways. Why? Because God is perfect in all ways. There is only One, greater and more “everything” than your Spirit: God. Remember, we were created in God’s IMAGE as Spirit. Thus, as with any image, we are not the original. God is the original; we are the image. As Spirit, we may be a perfect copy, but we are just that: a copy. As perfect an image as we may be, we are, nonetheless an image. Thus, there will always be a distinction — ever so subtle, though, it may be — between us, the Creation, and God, the Creator.
Thus it is in Heaven, so to speak. But, what about here, on earth, where we live and breath and have our being?
Just as God created us in His image, as Spirit; in order for us to live the Human experience, we created an image in the likeness of our Spirit. That image is the Soul.
Your Soul is that part of your Spirit which has human character and which links with the human experience. This immediately brings to mind the question: Are there other realms of life, within physical creation, not human in nature, nor connected with our planet? We believe there are. Furthermore, we believe that some Spirits — also created in God’s image as Spirit — have chosen to experience realms of life and Creation other than the Human experience. But, let us focus upon ourselves, members of the Human Kingdom, with the planet earth as our physical home.
Because the Spirit is perfect, the Soul is an expression of that perfection, but to a lesser degree. Again, your Soul is an image of your Spirit; just as your Spirit is an image of God. It is the Soul which “descends” from the home of the Spirit and resides within a level of Creation somewhat removed — in terms of vibration — from that of the Spirit. The Soul is closely linked to the Earth plane and the human experience.
The Soul is sometimes referred to as the “higher self” or that part of us which guides, through intuition and through its connection with the Spirit and with God, our earthly affairs. The Soul has its roots in what we traditionally call the Spirit World, but it dips its feet, so to speak, from time to time, onto the Earth plane.
Like the Spirit, the Soul does not experience evil or negativity directly; it responds only to goodness. However — and this is a big “however” — the Soul’s response to goodness is only as powerful and vital as the presence of goodness within its various personality manifestations, here on the earthly plane. Thus, on the level of the Soul, we have limitation.
The Soul is limited and it is evolving, and that limitation is manifested in many ways. The Soul can respond to its own goodness and to the goodness around it only to the degree in which that goodness is made manifest in its earthly incarnations. Like the Spirit, there are no evil Souls. Unlike the Spirit, there are “less good” Souls. This is very important to understand.
Within the home of the Soul, spirituality is measured and made manifest not by the comparison of goodness and evil, but by the various degrees of goodness manifested within the multitude of Soul lives. Where there is little goodness, there is little activity and life. As the Soul evolves, through successive incarnations, it becomes beautifully glorified and its aura takes on hues and colors unlike anything we can perceive with our physical eyes. The clairvoyant who has “soul vision” — and not all clairvoyants perceive on that level; in fact, most do not — is always awe-struck at the wonder and beauty of the Soul’s energy body.
The Soul has conscience and it understands the difference between good and evil; right and wrong. The Soul evolves, through choice and karma, ever guided by the Spirit which, in turn, is ever guided by God. In many ways, the Soul is the “prodigal son” seeking to return to the Father; in this case, the Father is its Spirit and God.
Finally, the Soul is of Spirit essence; yet, it has its own body — energy rather than material.
Having said all this, we have still not come to the level of Earth plane life and experience. We have mentioned good and evil, but no mention has yet been made of evil’s expression and manifestation.
In order for the Soul to incarnate onto the Earth plane, it does so through the creation of a physical body (the third element of the Trinity). And, with the creation of the body, the Soul creates the Personality.
You have one Soul, which is an image of your Spirit, which, in turn, was created in God’s image. But, you have created multiple personalities, living within multiple bodies at various points in history. Each time you decide to reincarnate, you create a new earthly personality and a new earthly body.
The Personality, also known as the “lower self,” is that part of ourselves to which we can all identify. It has gender, form, race, social standing, ethnic attributes, etc. It is born and it shall die. It is born into a specific family and has a specific name. The Personality is born into a body made of flesh, blood, and bones, rather than a body of light and energy. We tenaciously hold onto the Personality and its bodily form, and we tenaciously subject God to our Personality traits.
Through the personality, we experience so many of life’s difficulties and must determine how we shall respond or react to these challenges. It is the Personality, created by the Soul, which incarnates onto the Earth plane in order to experience all that this physical world has to offer. It is the Personality which is subject to the limitations of three-dimensional time and space.
Finally, and most importantly, it is the Personality, which is susceptible and receptive to negativity and evil. Within the world of the Personality — the Earth plane and that level of the Spirit World very closely linked to the Earth plane — both good and evil exist. Here, on the Earth plane, evil is not merely the lack of goodness; it is a very real force unto itself, created and made manifest by the various people who inhabit the earth.
Somewhere, between the level of the Soul and the level of the Personality — somewhere between the second and the third elements of the Trinity — there can be created and made manifest evil and negativity.
To sum up: Your Spirit is always guided by God. Your Soul is always guided by your Spirit. And your Soul always seeks to guide you and your Personality, here on earth, to the degree that it can, in the daily affairs of your life. But, your Personality can choose, consciously or unconsciously, either to accept, not to accept, or to reject the wondrous thread of guidance given by your Soul, your Spirit, and God. On the Earth plane, it really is all a matter of choice. Furthermore, if we choose wrongly or choose not to listen, it does not minimize, in any way, the Love and Guidance given by God and the Spirit.
Thus we have the Trinity of Spirit-Soul-Body/Personality: three aspects of the One. And here is another point which needs clarification. Within this Trinity, there is also a unifying force of life and guidance. The Spirit of God, through the mystery of the Holy Spirit, guides and inspires us all, no matter where we may be or what type of life we may be living.
We define the Holy Spirit as God’s Spirit alive in the world and within the affairs of men and women. The Holy Spirit can be likened to a grand web of consciousness. It is everywhere and everyone can tap into this vast network of the Holy Spirit. And because it is like a web, any two points within that grand network can connect, commune, and communicate.
Thus, even in our darkest moments, there is guidance, light, love, and healing available from God, through God’s Holy Spirit. Your Spirit knows this and seeks to receive and work with this. Your Soul knows this and seeks to receive and work with this, to the degree that it can. The earthly Personality must evolve to this level of awareness and, once it does, it must openly receive this and share it with others. In so doing, the Soul evolves and, subsequently, so does the earthly Personality.
So, no matter who we are, where we may be, or what we are experiencing, God’s guiding Light is always there and freely offered. On some level, we all receive this Light. On the earthly plane, some manifest this Light; others do not; still others seek to shadow and dim this Light.
Jesus requests that we not hide our Light under the bushel. Jesus instructs your Spirit and Soul to shine, radiantly, here on earth, through your Personality.
Spiritual evolution can be summed up quite simply: reuniting that which has become fragmented. Spiritual evolution is the process whereby the earthly Personality is elevated and brought into at-one-ment with the Soul; while the Soul is elevated and brought into at-one-ment with the Spirit. This process is fueled, guided, and inspired by God and God’s Holy Spirit.
Death is the returning of the Personality back to the Soul, bringing into the essence of the Soul all that it learned and experienced, both positive and negative, here on the Earth plane. The Soul, guided by the Spirit and by God’s Holy Spirit, then decides how it will make manifest the lessons it has received from the Personality, as well as make amends, through the Great Law of Karma, for the injustices it may have committed against others, against God, and against itself. It does this through successive incarnations — each with its own Personality and body — until it reaches a point where the earthly Personality is a perfect manifestation of the Soul’s goodness — on earth as it is in Heaven. At that point, it no longer seeks incarnation, and the Soul moves along in its evolution back to the Spirit. How and in what form it does this is for another article.
Ultimately, we are all — human and otherwise — wending our way back to the Spirit’s home, where we will be one with each other and one with God; thus completing the cycle initiated when God breathed life into us and created us, in His image as Spirit.
It is all really quite amazing and even more wondrous when you stop and think about it. I Love You ❤ Love and light to All ❤


After the biggest geomagnetic storm this year the past week, we were granted a little break to re-calibrate and integrate for the past couple of days. Since beginning of September, our human bodies as well as the whole organism of humanity has been permanently bombarded with very high light codes that have been beyond challenging for many people all over the planet. With the New Moon today, the influx of high light frequencies is already picking up again. Important energy portals are opening up now, paving the way to the 11.11 gateway for the cleansing finals of 2016. We all decided jointly in the collective for an accelerated timeline, and that means that we are pushed into releasing and clearing old stuff in a very very short time frame.  We are preparing for the beginning of 2017. Within the first three months of the New Year, those who have completed their cleansing, will experience major shifts in reality and will be fully anchored in 5D. As the time frame is shorter, the cleansing cycles are much more intense. Although this seems to be very uncomfortable and unfair, it needs to be this way. A system can only change when it is put into chaos first, only then it can rearrange itself to implement the necessary structural changes. That is true for our own personal physical and energetic bodies as it is for humanity as a whole. Nevertheless, understandably, many people are annoyed and tired with the question in mind: WTF? How much longer do I have to deal with this?

The answer to that is astonishingly simple. This will last until your mental, emotional and your physical body has been cleansed from low 3D fear frequencies completely. The timing is very individual and depends on your willingness to let go and move forward and how much programming you are still carrying in your individual backpack. It is all about your choice: Whether you stay in fear or choose love. It does not help that the paradigm still exists, that we are supposed to suffer endlessly as lightworkers and that the mission here on the planet is a big burden. Many are still convinced, that we have to carry the weight of whole humanity on our shoulders. Well – here comes the good news. It is not supposed to be this way!

“The only thing we are responsible for is our own return to our true, healthy, authentic self. Our light becomes so intense and strong, that any lower frequency gets absorbed and transmuted by our light. 

The only thing we are responsible for is our own return to our true, healthy, authentic self. That way, our light becomes so intense and strong, that any lower frequency gets absorbed and transmuted by our light. Without any experience of pain. Our only job is to inspire people, through leading by example and living a life of authenticity and freedom. We are not here to convince people or force people into a change that they – energetically – are not ready for. We know that those that are ready will naturally gravitate towards us. And yes, there is pain for us to go through in our cleansing process, but pain is just a part of our natural reflex and radar system. It alerts us that something is wrong and needs healing. We need this signal to feel and realize what we still need to work on. In addition to that,  pain has the purpose to show us what we do not want to experience permanently. Without pain, we would not appreciate joy and bliss. We would not be able to tell the difference between light and dark. Pain is the cleansing fire we walk through to come out on a much higher frequency level on the other side. The more we understand the true role of pain and that it is only there to overcome it, the easier our journey becomes. The more we heal from our 3D illusions, the more we are able to live from a place of joy and playfulness and the less pain we experience. The accelerated timeline and increased energies available represent a huge chance to transmute your pain and old patterns a lot faster! It truly is a blessing in disguise. So please understand that you have the steering wheel in front of you. You can change your situation anytime. Your free will leaves you with a choice: love or fear. 5D or 3D. And as simple as it sounds, overcoming the old 3D patterns and programs is not easy. It means to move beyond being human.

Moving beyond being Human

How often do we  hear or use the excuse: “You have to understand my behavior, I am still human after all.” Well, sorry to say, but that is a nice way of preventing our own ascension and healing. This whole process has the goal of overcoming typical human behavior and pain. Believe it or not, but having ascended to 5D physically means that we have left the old paradigms of humanity, such as the ideas of the survival of the fittest, of competition and of duality behind. As long as we are still in human mode, we are still judging and blaming, we don’t accept people the way they are and where they are at in their journey. We can be very spiritual and still be in ego-land. And that means we are not trusting the flow and perfection of the Universe and the larger organism we are all part of. In that case, we still put labels onto things and people and try to sort out and divide instead of embrace and unite.

“When we are still living from a place of ego, we still put labels onto things and people and try to sort and divide instead of embrace and unite.”

Yes, from a human perspective it can be hard to accept someone who has brought us pain, someone who is a big narcissist and claiming to know it all, or even a murderer or someone who abuses a child. But as hard as it seems to understand from a 3D human perspective, – instead of judging and blaming, someone who has reached 5D feels compassion for those people and accepts them, too. Someone in 5D sees the larger picture and purpose, understands that these people also carry a lot of pain and misprogramming through third dimensional society. They see that there is a reason why they became who they were. People in 5D, understand the necessity of many of them being here to trigger people and help humanity awaken. Being in 5D means accepting everyone and everything as is and being detached from any pain. Having ascended to 5D means you can still relate to the pain that people go through in 3D but you cannot actively recall the pain to suffer with them. A life in 5D is a life of pure unconditional love. For everyone and everything. No exceptions. There is no fear. In 5D you recognize how everyone is important, and how perfect everything is from a larger perspective. You see the fake matrix that people have been living in, like watching someone playing a computer game that has nothing to do with the larger reality you are living in. The reality of New Earth. Where we live in oneness and harmony, without any conflicts or suffering. Because everyone accepts and loves themselves for who they are and shares that with everyone and everything. In 5D, everyone understands their mission and role. The task comes easy and without any effort. It is fun, joyful and completely balanced to live in 5D. It is a life where we naturally go with the flow – trusting that the energy takes us and our intuition guides us to where we have to be. 5D indeed is paradise, and you can have it right now. How?

Embrace, allow, accept without Identifying

In order to access, resonate and merge with the high energetic 5D vibes, you have to learn to raise your vibration to a 5D frequency. And that means to unlearn everything society, churches, governments, schools etc. have taught you. This is what is meant by moving beyond being human. It means to introduce compassion and gratitude to every experience you have, how unpleasant it may seem. It is very simple. Just turn everything around by 180 degrees that you had ever believed to be true. Men are not supposed to cry? The opposite is true, because emotions are our natural reflex to get rid of energies that are not supposed to be in our system. You need to be better than others to make it in this world? The opposite is the case. Only when we appreciate each other for our differences and see the abundance in the different talents and gift everyone has, we can see the benefit of oneness and of each single contribution. Friends don’t do that to each other? Well, why is it hurting you in the first place and what button is pushed for you that you need to heal? Turn everything around and challenge everything you thought was true and see the benefit in every situation. This question can be very helpful to do so: “But who says that this is true. Who says that this is the right way? Who made the rules?” Combine this with the question: “What would unconditional love do, if I did not have any expectations or attachments to this situation or person?”. That is where you find the door to the 5D reality.

“Moving beyond being human means to shift from fighting and a feeling of lack and fear of survival, to receiving, allowing, a feeling of abundance and complete trust.”

To summarize it: Moving beyond being human means to shift from fighting and a feeling of lack and fear of survival, to receiving, allowing, a feeling of abundance and complete trust. In short: Embrace. Accept all of your experiences in that moment and know they have their purpose although you might not be able to see it yet. You don’t have to love them, but embrace them and be grateful for them as part of your own growth and healing back to your true self. Tell yourself that this is just energy running through you, it does not define who you are. Don’t identify with the pain. Learn how to transmute energies. Allow yourself to freak out. Not in a destructive way lashing out to others or hurt others or yourself. But it is perfectly fine and constructive, to be in a place where you find some privacy to have the space to scream, cry, lurch on the floor… whatever helps you to release the pain and energy that is tied to it. Again, be grateful for the release to shift the energy upwards in frequency. With each of these experiences, each of the geomagnetic storms, you are upgraded. This is potential! There is more energy available than usual, and – although the pain might be more, the amount of energy available to transmute is also much higher. This helps you to move forward a lot quicker and to work through a lot of stuff a lot faster. But that asks from you to accept the pain in that moment instead of going crazy with fear, because there is another challenging geomagnetic storm forecast or planetary constellation coming up. Also here: turn it around. See the potential. Each time you do that instead of going into the fear mode, and you feel compassion for yourself and others, you are transforming energy to a higher frequency and free yourself from old pain. All of these situations and people are a gift for you: Either in form of a reward, or in form of a lesson that contributes to your growth. Understand that the wheel of karma has already been dissolved. If you are still feeling as if you are still caught up in it, recognize that is an outdated program still running on your system that you can delete any time.So every time you catch yourself using the excuse of still being human: Take a deep breath and be honest to yourself:  Where do you still have a wound to work on? Being in 5D means to live a fearless and painless life completely in the now, without any thought spirals, without any emotional breakouts and without any physical illness. Nothing and no one can harm or hurt you in 5D. You are truly free and unconditional in any way.

“The energy on the planet has already shifted to a 5D frequency, and we are now catching up with our systems / human bodies.”

The energy on the planet has already shifted to a 5D frequency, and we are now catching up with our systems / human bodies. Our bodies are changing, they are being upgraded every minute now. Appreciate this as part of your ascension and let go of any blame, guilt, shame, anger, judgement.. You are worth it, and so is everyone else. In 5D, there is no better or worse, right or wrong. There is only love. Without any conditions, any expectations, any strings attached. We all deserve to ascend and to free ourselves from 3D density, but only those that recognize the need of overcoming being human will walk through the gate into 5D. And you have the key. Just use it.

By Vera Ingeborg, 10/31/2016

The texts I share are always based on channelings I receive and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage everyone to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of light and love, Vera Ingeborg

There are three questions i get asked on a very regular basis, first what will happen to those that do not ascend, number two is what will I experienced during the Ascension process and thirdly what can i expect life to be like on the fifth dimension. So I hope to address these questions to the best of my knowledge. I say that because in truth no one knows exactly what will happen or exactly what to expect. My conclusions come from several sources of reliable information and my own experience on the astral plane.


What will happen to those that do not ascend

First it should be understood that those that do not descend are not being punished in any way, every soul on earth had a choice and some chose not to ascend at this time in reality, it is mainly because their younger souls that do not have the experience yet to raise the vibration. The majority of these Souls also live in a fear-based mentality and as such will create their own end time scenario. So I’m not trying to sugarcoat anything nor fear monger, the fact is that they will experience tidal waves earthquakes and firestorms, they will experience the full brunt of Earth changes accompanied with loss and tragedy, but as I said this is not a punishment this is what they have chosen and it is also what they need to experience for their own growth. These people will die but it would not be like the traditional death where they leave their earthly body and return to the spirit plane, instead they all died on earth and simply wake up in a hospital bed in a large hospital type building. This building and there are many other like it, exists right now on another third dimensional planet within our galaxy. This planet is similar to Earth but a little smaller cooler and much less life. The planet mainly consists of rolling hills with sweeping grassy plains, there is one small ocean that only harbors very primitive life, on the surface there are only very simple insect type creatures and a few small mammal type animals, in fact is what the earth was like about half a billion years ago before really advanced life took off. It revolves around a star very similar in size and make up to our own Sun, and that is actually why this planet was chosen.
Our Sun plays a critical role in human well-being and health so something similar needed to be found the people who end up here will be in a renewed body that is their exact body that they had before they died, but it will be cured of any injuries, malformations, disfigurements, or disease.They will still have the same personality thoughts and traits as they did prior to death. There will also have full memory of what took place, this is so they can grow from their experience if they know what happened to them, then they are more likely to want to change their consciousness in the future. These souls will be grouped into soul level groups for example: young souls in one group and baby souls in another group, etc…. now for the record, the majority of souls that will ascend are mature and old souls.  Each group will be supervised by very spiritually enlightened entities from the Pleiades, these beings are now known as Pleiadian’s and they have had a long association with the human soul group. Pleiadian’s are very tall about 10 to 12 feet, they have very high cheekbones, almond eyes and very straight and long hair, they look suspiciously like angels from the Bible and they have a very beautiful visible silver blue aura around them so the younger the soul group the more Pleiadian’s will be there to supervise. The Pleiadian’s will counsel and guide these souls and help reunite them with other family members and friends.They will teach them how to live and how to raise the vibration. This new earth will have no money, no religion, and no government as we currently understand it. All means by which corruption can thrive will be removed, the aim is to get these souls up to the fifth dimension as quickly as possible. With the help of the Pleiadian’s some souls will literally ascend just days after the earth changes, now if only they had to prepare themselves prior, they would have had not had to enjoy the hardships but in reality every soul was exactly where that were meant to be to experience the change as they did. By the way people who have already died before the Ascension date have already made their choice, some will ascend directly from the spirit plane and others will reincarnate into their whole bodies on that new planet i was talking about, so that is about all I can tell you about souls that do not ascend. So next we’ll look at what happens to the souls that will ascend.


What will I experienced during the Ascension process

The first thing I can say with certainty is that each personal experience Ascension in a very personalized way, so what I mean by this, is if you were sitting right next to your best friend and you both ascended at the same time you would not be aware of each other nor will you see each other, after was all over you and your friend would be able to swap stories about your experience and there would be completely different.
Your ascension will occur prior to any fatal Earth changes or events, so let’s look at the ascension process step by step:
The first thing you’ll notice is raising your vibration, this will be experienced as a tingling or buzzing sensation. Your body will begin to feel weightless starting at your feet and rapidly moving up,  you’ll feel intense but not painful buzzing in your crown chakra and by now you will have lost all sensation in your lower limbs, you will also experience strong butterflies in your tummy sort of feeling. Man-made objects like plastic, bricks, walls, electrical appliances, and even not natural fibers will begin to slowly vibrate all, have a washed-out look to them, a wobbly appearance like that were underwater,  these objects will begin to disappear and a cloudy haze will begin to envelop your surroundings, as the haze
gets thicker more things around you will begin to disappear, the house seems like it’s being lit by external light source but you will not be able to determine the direction of the light source, this is actually the veil between dimensions. You will have an experience of moving upward however you’ll have no sense of direction. Suddenly the haze begins to dissipate and your eyes can refocus, you will notice intense color of every description including colors that are not visible in the third dimension. By now you will notice that your body no longer has any weight, yes your body is still there and will still feel physical to you, but your body has been transformed into a light body. A light body never get sick, never ages, never needs food, water or sleep, in fact any requirements of the physical body are no longer necessary including feeling hot or cold, just like in the movie The Matrix when Neo is inside the computer program, you will project your residual self-image in other words you will look like how you view yourself as looking in your best way, you can look like anything or anyone you want to look like.
For most people they project themselves as a fit and trim 30 something year old, but of course there are exceptions to this. Some people want to experience being in a child’s body again and others want to
appear as a graceful elderly person, the point is you have free will and whatever you think you create. More than likely you will appear in a beautiful grassy field, or forest, or standing on a beach facing an endless ocean, there will be birds and animals but they no longer fear you, and you no longer fear them. You will feel a oneness with all creation. If you quite your mind and close your eyes you can hear the thoughts of all living creatures, with further practice you can join your mind with the herd or flock and experienced group consciousness. The aromas wafting on the gentle breeze are exquisite, and the flowers are like nothing you have ever seen. There are fruit trees heavy with fruit and actually one particular fruit is similar to a large plum, you may feel an overwhelming urge to eat this fruit and that is because it has incredible healing properties but more importantly it can help to ground you to the fifth dimension. So in other words once you eat the fruit there was no going back to the third dimension so Bon Appetit.
Now getting back to your body, even though you do not need to eat you will still want to eat but this is
purely for the sensation and the taste, some people may feel an overwhelming urge to lay down and sleep, this is because you may have experienced a particularly traumatic event in your third dimensional life so some extra healing needs to take place to repair your aura and your other subtle bodies, but don’t worry you’re not going to miss anything. Time no longer exists, that’s right linear time only exists on the third dimension. Once you are suitably grounded and healed your guides will appear, for some
people they may have been with you right from the start and actually held your hand right through the whole process, but either way your guides will now show up and tell you what the next move is and what the goal is. Something that will stress is that in the fifth dimension whatever you think you will manifest
unlike the third dimension where there is a delay between cause and effect, on the fifth dimension it is instantaneous so you must learn how to control your thoughts, but don’t fear this new ability once you learn how to control it you’ll never understand how you got by without it. This is also why no fear based people can enter the fifth dimension. If you were fear-based and began thinking fearful thoughts you would manifest those things immediately and probably go insane, so that is why a love vibration is so important. just another note if you are thinking: I can manifest a red Ferrari, well yes you could but those that understand fifth-dimensional living realize that this is just folly and they would dedicate their energies too much higher endeavors.


What can I expect life to be like on the fifth dimension

It is now time to be introduced to your new teachers, that’s right every single person will have two teachers a male and a female, just like on the 3rd dimensional planet your teachers will be Pleiadian’s. For the next equivalent of two years they will be your full-time companions, teaching you everything you need to know, about living in the fifth dimension along with any other questions you have about the past and a little bit about the future. You will probably come to see them more as loving parent figures, but don’t worry you’ll still see your other friends and family members that have also ascended, in fact at some point there will be a massive welcome to the fifth dimension party where everyone who has ever send it will be in attendance, so just imagine a party where you can eat, drink, and be merry, and never get tired, bored, or even feel bloated. The finest musicians are playing, the greatest talents performing, and some of the best conversations on this side of the Andromeda galaxy, don’t be surprised if you bump into a few special non-human entities what we personally call aliens that are there to welcome you to their homeland. Just like in the movie Jumper, you will be able to move from one side of the planet to the other instantaneously just with thought, in fact you can go anywhere in the galaxy,  you’ll be free to study or practice anything you want you could learn a new instrument, study the healing arts, or try your hand at painting with access to the vast universal libraries and teachers, there is nothing you cannot master. After all you have all the time in the world to perfect your art, there are lots and lots of jobs to do but i prefer not to use that term. Work in the fifth dimension is very different to what you know in the third dimension, for a start there’s no money and no need for money, so any jobs that are based around money like banking are suddenly redundant, but there is a lot of work in service to other roles, like creation, invention, growing, healing, caring, recording, teaching, administrating, performing, showing, traveling, and many many more. The basic guide is anything that will benefit humanity or anything you can share with humanity that is beneficial to the whole. All work is done on a volunteer basis and no one is forced to work in order to survive, and no one is forced to do a job that they do not like. Your home will be a creation of your own making so start practicing now by visualizing the type of home and location you would like to live in now, and remember you can build it anywhere in the world because travel is just a blink of an eye. There will still be cities but not like what we have today and a lot of these cities will actually be underwater. You will still fall in love, get married, and have children, but sex is no longer a physical act but rather a blending of energies that makes a physical orgasm
seem like popping a balloon in comparison to a hydrogen bomb.
We have all been part of an experiment that required us to incarnate the thousands of years into hundreds of lives to experience all levels of creation. This helped the source of all that is learn more about itself. The plan was to see, if We as incarnate souls could be completely cut off from the source via amnesia, and the dense third dimension and still find our way back to it. To cut a long story short, the experiment was deemed a huge success and enough souls were able to achieve a heightened state of spiritual awareness without ever having any direct knowledge of the source, truly remarkable. So basically it’s all over, and it’s time to go home, but just like a scuba diver that has been at dept, he must return to the surface gradually or else he risked contracting the bends. The same can be said for our souls, we are originally from the 11th dimension but if we were to suddenly jump from the third dimension to the 11th dimension we would quite literally be torn apart, so that is why we are going to the fifth dimension. We will stay there until all human souls join us, so remember all those souls that got stuck on the third dimension, yep.. we cannot move to the next level which will be the eighth until the very last Soul ascends to the fifth, but that is a long way away, and I can assure you that once you’re in the fifth dimension you would feel like you would never want to leave it anyway. Indeed, your soul has been disconnected from the source but once you’re in the fifth dimension you will once again experience the overwhelming love and unity that is the source of all that is. That’s when a lot of you will get that “ahaaa moment” about what I’m trying to relate here it really is a big deal. So the next months are going to be really tough as the earth vibration rises the world will fall further into chaos, younger souls will literally go crazy, but that is why it is important to do the work now meditate meditate meditate… just 20 minutes a day every day that is the bare minimum requirement.
I hope by now you can understand what awaits for you, once you are committed to doing the hard yards and make no mistakes is going to be hard but stay focused, and do your visualizations and do your meditations, in fact it’s the days that you couldn’t be bothered are the days that you need to do it most, push yourself because you won’t regret it. Your present life now is just a cheap imitation of what life is supposed to be, in less than 3 months you can trade in your current slavery for paradise.

I hope to see you on the other side
love and light,









Higher Density Blog

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Mention the word sex and eyes widen and ears perk up. The strong reaction the subject arouses reflects the spicy nature of sexual energy. Pure sexual energy is as unstable as dynamite and just as explosive. It can transport us to sublime states of bliss and delight, or cast us into the darkest pits of anguish, terror, and depravity. Obviously, we can’t alter our sexual instincts. What we can do, however, is use spiritual practice to overcome the limitations imposed by nature on our sexuality. In fact, we can transform the inherent mismatch between male and female sexuality into an incredible opportunity for spiritual growth. Cosmic ecstasy is vastly more intense, pleasurable, and meaningful than even the most passionate sex. Comparing the two is like contrasting a bathtub with the ocean. There is no surer way to bring long-lasting happiness into an intimate relationship than to ground it in enduring bliss.

My Waking Path

Our modern world is very open to casual sex.  Also known as free sex or liberated sex, it is the intimate physical union of two bodies without emotional attachments.   Any form of sexual coupling that is entered into, no matter how long or short which is without commitment, responsibility and most of all, love fall under this.

Casual sex comes in the following guises:

  1. One night stand (with someone you know or a stranger)
  2. Friends with benefits
  3. Sexual orgies
  4. Sexual experimentation and exploration
  5. Cyber Sex
  6. Porn Sex with masturbation
  7. Phone Sex Services
  8. Paid Actual Sex
  9. Random Hand Jobs and Oral Sex

Many engage in this form of sexual release primarily because they don’t want any “complication” which usually comes with having sex in a closed relationship. They see this as an easier way to enjoy sex without the litany of responsibilities and emotional, even financial baggage that come…

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Understand And Develop Your Psychic Abilities

Psychic abilities like clairvoyance, clairaudience, seeing auras, precognition, psychometry, telepathy, channeling, spiritual healing, astral travel, out of body experiences are not the spiritual gifts of a select few.
Psychic abilities can be learned and developed by all.
Everyone perceives psychic information a bit differently. Here you will learn the main ways that your extrasensory perception and intuitive gifts may appear, along with how to further hone and develop your psychic gifts.

Clairaudience – Clear Hearing

When you psychically hear, the information you’re tuning into may appear to come from outside of you, like when you’re listening to someone else talk.
Psychically hearing however, is usually much more subtle, and may be easy to shrug off as your own inner voice.
You may also be able to hear your angels singing, tune into high-pitched tones, or frequency vibrations along with hearing guidance, insight, and even warnings.

Clairvoyance – Clear Seeing clairvoyance

Clairvoyance, or psychic seeing is one of the most commonly known psychic senses. However it is also greatly misunderstood.
Seeing psychically does not necessarily mean having dramatic psychic visions, or seeing dead people as illustrated in Hollywood movies and on TV.
Psychic sight is usually very subtle. You may receive information similarly, to how a memory plays in your mind. You also might see symbols, colors, or shapes that hint towards a deeper meaning.
Sometimes, clairvoyance does manifest as clear visions, as seeing angels, ghosts, or dreaming and getting a glimpse of the future.

Clairsentience – Clear Feeling

Clairsentience is the ability to tune into psychic information through feelings, emotions, and actual physical sensations.
Validation may come in the form of an overwhelming feeling of love or joy. A feeling of dread or just feeling uncomfortable on the other hand, may signal a warning, or a “No” response to a question.
You may also feel the presence of Spirit, your angels, loved ones in Heaven, or even lower vibrational entities.

Claircognizance – Clear Knowing

When you simply know something to be true, without any outside evidence or knowing why you know, you’re tuning into the psychic sense of claircognizance.
Claircogniance, or the inner sense of knowing can be tuned into to receive accurate and specific messages and guidance from the realms of spirit.
You may suddenly know the answer to a question, receive a download of information or just tune into clear insight and understanding into the past, present, or future surrounding a situation.
This psychic sense is sometimes called prophecy, when someone just knows profound and true Divine guidance without any proof or validation.

Clairalience – Clear Smelling

When you smell things outside of your normal physical sense of smell, you’re tuning into clairalience.
Common scents include perfume or smoke from a deceased loved one, the sweet floral scent of your angels, or a hopeful fragrance nudging you in the right direction.
In some cases, you may smell the rotten stench of a lie or the deception of a lower vibrational being.
Clairalience is a less commonly known psychic sense. It often appears in conjunction to another sense like seeing, feeling or knowing.

Clairgustance – Clear Tasting

An inner sense of taste not tied to anything you’ve smelled or eaten in the physical, is known as clairgustance.
Ever heard the expression “it left a bad taste in my mouth”? This is a wonderful example of clairgustance.
You may get a “bad taste in your mouth” as a warning to shift your thinking, as insight into a person or situation or as a warning that you’re headed down the wrong path. Other times a sweet taste will bring validation.
Deceased loved sometimes use this inner sense as a calling card, and way of identification. So if your grandmother loved chocolate cake, you may get the inner sense and taste of chocolate cake as a calling card that she’s with you. Or course, if you’re eating chocolate cake, it’s an entirely different reason!

How to Develop Psychic Abilities

Develop Psychic AbilitiesThrough these main psychic senses, spiritual gifts like intuition, psychometry, channeling, mediumship, telepathy, remote viewing, medical intuition, and more can be developed, honed, and experienced.
Everyone has the potential for psychic abilities but for many, these abilities and skills have been blocked out over the years by layers of density, thought, doubt, and limiting belief. The blessing in this, is that the ability has been there all along, and with intention and persistence, psychic abilities can be activated, developed, and awakened now.
Everyone has, and can develop their psychic ability.
In saying this however, I do not mean that everyone is meant to be a professional psychic or energy healer. If you’re not drawn at all to develop psychically, what are you drawn to learn and create?
To accomplish your life purpose you may be more suited to learn physical tangible skills, if so, go with this!
But even if you are meant to work within the more tangible, physical realms, by opening psychically you can enhance your other skills, clearly know your path, and open to experience the higher consciousness of your multidimensional self regardless of whether you ever use this ability to ‘read’ or ‘interpret’ psychic information about others.


If you are drawn to become a ‘psychic’ in all meanings of the word, there’s a reason for it… Here are ways to develop your psychic abilities now!

7 Tips to Develop Your Psychic Abilities

1. Meditation

Psychic Meditation
You’ve probably heard this before… But if you want to psychically develop, meditation really is key. When you train your mind to be still and calm through meditation, you’re able to allow higher information to flow through you. The simple truth is, you’re already receiving psychic information throughout your day, but if you’re not taking the time to meditate, and clear your mind, you may be missing it.
If you’ve tried meditating in the past, and felt your just couldn’t do it, know that there are many ways to meditate. You don’t just have to sit there and command your mind to be still. If you’re struggling to quiet your mind, try an active meditation like walking in nature, counting to ten, or one of my favorites breathing consciously in two’s!
Breathe in, and half way through your in breath, pause for a second… Then breathe in the rest of the way. When you exhale, pause half way through your out breathe for a few seconds, then exhale completely, and repeat the process. When you give your mind the focus of pausing with each breath, other thoughts are much more naturally and easily released.
Meditation is a skill which is developed over time, so don’t worry if your mind chimes in and your thoughts wander at first. Aim to meditate for a minute to start, then work your way up to five. When your thoughts do pop in, don’t worry… Just release them into the light and return your focus to your breath.
From within the still and calm of mediation, psychic insight, knowing and inspiration can shine through.

2. Trust and Go With The Flow

Psychic AbilitiesGut feelings are there for a reason, and can offer a basis for further developing your intuition when you pay attention, and listen to how you feel.
Feelings are the language of the soul, while words are the language of the mind and ego. When it comes to developing your intuition, and psychic ability, a feeling really is worth 1000 words.
Pay attention to your gut feelings, and act upon them. Trust that you are able to develop psychically and believe that you’re already receiving psychic information because, well… You are!
Trust is a signal you send out to the universe which builds up your vibration and aligns you with more clarity and certainty. Every bit of trust returns to you multiplied through validation and through real psychic experience.
Another important facet of trusting in your abilities, is not to try to prove yourself to anyone. I would recommend avoiding skeptics and naysayers when you’re developing, because their doubt can actually block your clarity. Just let yourself develop, and enjoy your connection, as there is much goodness in this which awaits.
If you feel blocked psychically, honor that. Take a break to replenish yourself, rejuvenate your spirit, and return to whatever you’re trying to tune into later. Sometimes psychic impressions do appear on demand, and other times, the clearest guidance pops in on a whim, when you’re really not even looking for it.
Don’t force yourself… this is meant to be fun, uplifting, and playful. If you’re not feeling the fun and goodness, take a break, and return to it when you’re once replenished energetically, and you’ll be all the better for it.

3. Ask For Protection, Work With Your Guides
    – psychicprotection

One of the reasons you want to keep your energy around psychic development fun, playful, and light, is because there are lower vibrational energies which you can, but I really don’t recommend you tune into.
If you’re coming from a perspective of love, joy, and gratitude you’ll attract only the most benevolent and uplifting guides. But when coming from a state of fear, guilt, or anger… You can attract all sorts of dense energies which will only cause problems for you.
For this reason, calling in protection is always recommended when tuning into receive psychic information from the realms of spirit. There are many ways to protect yourself psychically, practice with them, and find a way which works best for you.
The most common way to protect psychically is to shield. Specifically, a psychic shield of white light can be called in and placed around you at any time with a simple intention. Imagine you’re surrounded with an orb, or shield of white light, which is brightly shining all around you. This light pushes out and dissolves any negativity or density into the light, while allowing pure, uplifting, and helpful guidance to shine through.
If you feel you’re in a lower vibration, call in a shield of white light, and I would also really recommend taking a break to get yourself in a higher vibration before you proceed. It’s well worth the effort, as density attracts the like. Take a break, have some fun, connect with nature, relax and refresh…
If you’re having trouble clearing your energy, perhaps you have absorbed some negativity or density, call on your Spirit Guides and Angels who are always there to assist you, so don’t be afraid to ask.

‘I now call upon my Highest, Most Loving Spirit Guides and Angels of the Light who can most serve… Please come in, clear my energy with Light of the Divine. Release negativity from my vibration in all it’s many forms and uplift my energy with direct Love and Light from the Divine.”

4. Opening Your Chakras and Allowing Your Energy to Flow

Your chakra energy centers interpret, and translate direct Divine light and psychic information in a way which can be felt, known, and understood.
To activate, and clear your chakras, imagine that your energy is grounding into the core of the Earth. As your energy is grounded to Earth, allow yourself to feel the incredible light of the planet, and notice that you are one with it, feel this and know that you are an integral part of the One Source Energy flowing throughout Earth and throughout All That Is.
Take another deep breath now as you now allow this light from the core of the Earth to begin flowing up and in through the bottom of your feet, opening, balancing, and healing all 7 chakras of your physical body, and as this light continues to lift up now above your crown chakra let your consciousness go with it, opening your higher energy centers and continuing to lift up above the light, and into direct presence and connection with Creative Source Energy, with God, and with the Divine.
When each of your chakras are spinning perfectly, aligned with their highest possible vibration, and with the Divine, you’re able to clearly translate the physic information you receive.

5. Uplift Your Vibration With Love and Light

Love is the master path of awakening, and of developing your psychic senses. Practice choosing love in the present moment.
Practice increasing your awareness, and doing things which you love and enjoy to increase your energetic signature, which will make opening to receive psychic information come through with increased clarity.
Choose love, respond with love, and call love in. This may seem simple, but love is a powerful step for developing your psychic abilities.

6. Practice

The best way to practice opening to your psychic skills and abilities is simply to be aware. Strive to increase your present moment perspective and awareness always.
When you first meet someone… How does their energy feel? The overall image of the thoughts they think, and how they perceive reality is held within their emotional atmosphere, and you can become aware of it. This can really help you to understand about people and where they are coming from… their unique perspective.
When your phone rings, before you look to see who it is, tune in… Who is it?
I would also recommend working to learn to see auras, of yourself, of trees, and others.

Psychic Practice
Another fun test is to pick up a magazine, and pick a page number. Say… Page 18.
Before you open the magazine, ask, what is on page 18?
Tune in…What information do you receive?
Does a certain color, element or shape come to mind? Is there a person or object on page 18?
Once you’ve taken a moment to tune in… Turn to page 18 and see what is really there.
Don’t be too harsh on yourself if you’re wrong, just have fun, practice, and you’ll get clearer and clearer.
Celebrate what you do get right, or what is close. This is a great way to practice and pay attention to how your intuition and psychic ability works.
The last time I tried this and all I got was blue… I then opened to the page and it was a whole page spread of a swimming pool. I didn’t judge, or say, ‘well you weren’t very specific’, I just thought, yes… cool, it’s blue!
Psychometry is another fun way to practice opening psychically. Have someone you know hold an object, and then hand it to you. Can you read the energy of the person who has touched the object (or the many people) before you? Tune into, feel, and trust the info and energy you receive.

7. Keep a Journal

Journaling is a great way to track your experiences, and see yourself progress. I recommend writing down both your spiritual experiences, as well as any realizations or premonitions you have in dreams.
Write down your experiences, and refer back to them from time to time. The very act of writing will help to reinforce what you’re learning and experiencing. If you’re in doubt.. Just write down some affirmations like;

“I’m profoundly psychic, I am now opening to my psychic abilities, I am closely connected to my guides and angels, I receive psychic insights and impressions.”

You may not believe these affirmations when you first write them down, but write them 100 times, and it will begin to feel more natural, and will start to manifest as well. Then be sure to write down any impressions you receive, or hunches you did act on that proved true, this way you can look back and see in moments of doubt, this is real… I am developing.
The more you become aware of, and listen to your psychic ability, gut feelings, and intuition, the clearer and the more real it will become.
Yoga, spiritual practices, and helping others through loving service (the path of love as mentioned above) are wonderful ways to accelerate your path in opening, remembering, and experiencing your psychic abilities.
The key is to pay attention, trust yourself, follow your heart, and raise your vibration to bring your unique psychic abilities into focus.

A Visual Guide to Understanding Your Psychic Abilities!


Published with permission from Melanie at



The Big Wave will unleash the Truth and this will stir Chaos in the old paradigm. However, the chaos is good because it will mark the end of the false reality and outdated modalities. It will be the beginning of the new Earth reality in the unified field of consciousness.



This Fall 2016 will bring the first stage of the planetary shift; the opening of Ascension portals that will allow all the Star gates to activate. This is what will truly shift us into a new Earth reality. We will separate from the third dimension and it will not seem as if reality is quite right. There will be a strange Feeling that we have moved some place and the world will seem brighter.

Ultimately, we will see a complete collapse of the current governmental/political and monetary system. ‘Money’ will be rendered obsolete because it will no longer be relevant to the new Earth reality. After this Collapse has become obvious is when we will be plugged in to the Greater Consciousness and the new Photon Energy of new Earth will emerge. No one will be able to suppress the free use of the photon energy. This will change our entire existence in to complete Universal Knowledge, including Travel and Education over night. The inner Earth people will introduce technology that will remove all radiation and impurities from the ocean. There is technology that makes everything clean instantly.

We are almost at the time of the most exciting experience you will ever have. For those of us who are ready, it will be more like a Huge Miracle appearing before us. It will be the most wonderful of all occasions. All will be redeemed and reformed in miraculous ways.

by: Romeo Baron

Mudras are positions of the hands that are said to influence the energy of your physical, emotional and spiritual body.

Mudras have been used in the East for thousands of years and were practiced by many spiritual leaders including Buddha. Today, mudras are still used in yoga and meditation.

Sometimes we may subconsciously place our hands into mudra positions without knowing it, and other times we use them to help channel and stimulate healing.

There are hundreds of mudras but here are some that are most common:

1.) Gyan Mudra (Mudra of Knowledge):


The tip of the index finger touches the tip of the thumb while the other fingers remain straight.

Benefits: Enhances knowledge, stimulates the pituitary and endocrine glands, increases memory, helps meditation, prevents insomnia, and can boost mood and bring clarity.

Practice: Any time while sitting, standing or lying in bed.

2.) Prithvi Mudra (Mudra of Earth):


The tip of the ring finger touches the thumb while the other fingers remain straight out.

Benefits: Reduces physical and spiritual weaknesses, can increase life force, can help clear skin, and promotes body functionality.

Practice: Any time.

3.) Varuna Mudra (Mudra of Water):


Benefits: Helps to balance emotion, helps to retain water, helps to relieve constipation and cramps, and can also help regulate menstrual cycles and hormonal conditions.

Practice: 15 minutes three times a day.

4.) Vayu Mudra (Mudra of Air):


The thumb wraps over the index finger while the rest of the fingers remain straight.

Benefits: Helps to calm an anxious mind, soothes a strained voice, can help decrease stress, and helps reduce impatience and indecisiveness.

Practice: 10 to 15 minutes, 3 times per day.

5.) Shunya Mudra (Mudra of Emptiness):


The tip of the thumb presses the middle finger down while the rest of the fingers stand straight up.

Benefits: Reduces dullness in the body, can be highly effective for ear aches, helps restore confidence, and boosts mental cognition.

Practice: 40-60 minutes daily or, for an earache, 4 to 5 minutes.

6.) Surya Mudra (Mudra of the Sun):


Bend the ring finger under the thumb while the rest of the fingers remain straight.

Benefits: Helps stimulate the thyroid gland, helps to alleviate weight gain and reduces appetite, stimulates digestion, helps relieve anxiety and stress, and helps to guide you to your purpose.

Practice: 5 to 15 minutes, twice daily.

7.) Prana Mudra (Mudra of Life):


The ring and pinky finger both bend to meet the thumb while the index and middle finger remain pointed straight up.

Benefits: Improves the life force, helps to strengthen the mind, body and spirit, helps promote taking action, improves immunity and motivation, helps enhance vision, and reduces fatigue.

Practice: Any time.

8.) Apana Mudra (Mudra of Digestion):


The middle and ring finger are bent under the thumb while the pinky and index finger stand straight up.

Benefits: Helps to regulate the excretory system, helps detoxify and stimulates bowel movements, and helpful at relieving constipation and piles.

Practice: 45 minutes daily

9.) Apana Vayu Mudra (Mudra of the Heart):


The index finger bends to touch the base of the thumb while the middle and ring finger bend to touch the tip of the thumb. The pinky finger remains stretched out.

Benefits: Stimulates healing of the heart, helps physically protect the heart, and can also help reduce gas and heart burn.

Practice: 15 minutes, twice daily

10.) Linga Mudra (Mudra of Heat):


Interlock the fingers of both hands but keep the thumb of the left hand pointing up. Take the right thumb and wrap it around the left thumb so it touches the index finger of the right hand.

Benefits: helps to stimulate heat in the body, helps reduce phlegm and congestion, good for strengthening the lungs, and helps to invigorate and balance the body.

Practice: Any time but do not over practice.

Written by Tanaaz of


I feel like I should warn you. There is a fierce feminine fire building. It is Kali Ma-like, creator and destroyer.

Burner of all that must go so that life can give birth to life. She is the wolf-woman coming, hard and strong and asking you for more than you want to give, but only because she loves you.

She knows that your greatest self can only rise from the ashes of the lesser you.

Kali means dark mother or black one. She is most often depicted in her destructive form — a bloodthirsty goddess, killer of Shiva and eater of babies. The demon goddess, the goddess of death.

But Kali is more than that. She is not just ruler of death, but of life, too. The early Tantric texts identify Kali as Mother, the primary and primordial creator, the womb of the Universe. All things rise from her and disappear again into her; endless cycles of birth and death, creation and destruction.

Kali is Om, she is Shakti, she is existence.

Understanding destruction as an exquisite and essential element of life, this is not the tender feminine, this is tough love to the core. This is purification by fire.

In The Encyclopedia of Myths, Barbara Walker tell us that,

Tantric worshippers of Kali thought it essential to face her Curse, the terror of death, as willingly as they accepted Blessings from her beautiful, nurturing, maternal aspect.

For them, wisdom meant learning that no coin has only one side: as death can’t exist without life, so also life can’t exist without death.

And so you must do the same. Have the courage and endurance to face what must die in you, and the rewards will be unparalleled.

I met this energy fullest in Peru last year; in Ayahuasca, the Mother Vine. Never have I experienced such annihilation, or such great love.

She taught me many things, among which was the importance of the labor pain and the sacrifice we make for our children, whether they be of blood and bone or another structure.

It’s no coincidence so many people are having babies right now.

We (especially women) are being asked to understand this role, both submission to the larger forces — to the archetype of this fierce goddess, and our power as an active participant in the destruction and re-birthing that happens in our individual lives.

There is change coming, sacrifice that needs to be made. This is not new, it’s been happening all year, but it’s not done. And it hasn’t demanded this much from you yet, so be ready.

Maybe you’ll want to think about where your loyalty lies, so that you don’t get caught off-guard when it hits. Is it with your ego’s will or with your soul, your destiny? What are you willing to give for that?

Those who’ve already done a lot of work this year may find she’s not too rough, but if you have been avoiding your work, or avoiding it in specific areas, get ready to be called out.

Prepare. Nurture yourself. Do some internal house-cleaning. Know what, and who, supports you and have them close. Most of all: breathe, trust.

It’s all for your highest good.

“If you prefer smoke over fire
then get up now and leave.
For I do not intend to perfume
your mind’s clothing
with more sooty knowledge.


No, I have something else in mind.
Today I hold a flame in my left hand
and a sword in my right.
There will be no damage control today.


For God is in a mood
to plunder your riches and
fling you nakedly
into such breathtaking poverty
that all that will be left of you
will be a tendency to shine.


So don’t just sit around this flame
choking on your mind.
For this is no campfire song
to mindlessly mantra yourself to sleep with.


Jump now into the space
between thoughts
and exit this dream
before I burn the damn place down.”



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